Monday, March 24, 2008

Hold on to your effing hats

I first saw the video below at Sleeping Mommy a couple of months ago, and I thought it was hysterical. I saw it again this Saturday when I caught part of SNL and thought it was incredibly appropriate this time because it captures exactly how I felt all weekend:

...except for the whole dog lovin' thing. Add to that a wicked bladder infection, a child with a fever, and the fact that I busted out the zipper in my favorite jeans (they weren't even tight jeans, y'all!), and you have yourself a recipe for a kick-ass weekend. I tried to isolate myself from the family as much as I could, but nobody seemed to understand when I said, "Mommy's feeling a little psychotic right now and you need to stay away."

Plus it was Easter weekend and a time for family, fun, and togetherness. I managed to hold my mood in check just long enough to color eggs with the family Saturday night, and that was about all I could handle. I guess it was sort of a blessing that Kelsey got sick and we didn't have to get all dressed up and go to church because dude, I was not feeling the Easter love at all. When my mood improves, I will get the kiddos all dressed up and take some pictures of them so you can see how cute they would have looked.

Until then, Happy Easter.


Blogger KatyaR said...

Man, I'm sorry you've been sick--that sucks.

6:46 PM  
Blogger The Thinking Man's Babe said...

Oh man, I LOVED that skit. Loved it. So sorry your weekend sucked!!! And am a little weirded out - my sister and my mother just got done with a bladder infection! What is up with that? And I have been doing my damndest to keep one from coming on - lotsa cranberry juice and some over-the-counter meds. The joy of high-deductible health insurance. My mom even wondered if there was some kind of virus going around that was causing them...

Get better soon!!!


1:20 AM  
Blogger Krista said...

I hate days (weeks) like that! And the jeans to add to it...that is enough to send me over the edge. Why don't they take warnings of psychosis seriously?!

12:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hope the hormones, bloat and mood passed. I was hit with it pretty hard this last week too. Still coming off of it, a bit, I think.

10:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

(((HUGS))) I've had that weekend recently myself!

11:24 PM  

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